neděle 13. dubna 2014

You know you're addicted to Plurk when...

  • you cant stop spamming
  • you cant stop plurking?
  • when u have to no matter what reply to every message
  • your karma means more to you than your health
  • you spent more than an hour just plurking
  • You scream when you only have one karma
  • you find yourself screaming at your computer screen thinking tthat it will make karma rise
  • you know what the arrow of disappearance is, and you hate it
  • lol u get mad when u have less then 15 karma
  • you learn how to make someones username appear in a link
  • when you're in tears if your karma goes down
  • you're determined to solve the mystery of the dissapearing arrow
  • you become angry when someone has more karma than you but less plurks and plurk responses, and you spam to get it to go back up
  • you do the dancing banana smiley as soon as you get 25 karma. several times
  • you plurk not only to tell people what you're doing, but to tell them when you start doing it, if youre still doing it, how annoying what you're doing is, and when you finish.
  • when u are mad u cant get on plurk
  • when you find yourself reading every single plurk posted
  • when when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do it check your karma
  • as soon as something exciting happens to you, you plurk about it
  • when you are afraid to get up because you will return to 382493284 replies
  • you get a faster reply on plurk than on skype
  • when you fall in love with this site that you never want to get off it
  • you're on vacation and you're afraid your karma levels will decrease
  • when you continue to spam someone's plurk just so you can get a high number of responses on said plurk
  • when you lol spam!
  • when as soon as plurk goes down you run to twitter to complain about it
  • when you get angry at people who try to tell you to spam on someone else's plurk rather than the one you want to talk on
  • when you stay on plurk for more than 7 hours
  • if you have to leave for work, you're still plurking on your work computer or on your cell phone, and if you can't worry that your karma will die
  • you think smeone will hack into your account to steal your karma
  • When you start to plurk every random thought that runs through your head.
  • the "You know you're addicted to plurk when" plurk has 100 replies from random people
  • when the number of your plurk replies is larger than the number of your plurks!
  • when you start using plurk like AIM.
  • when you run out of valid plurks, so you just share random links
  • when you plurk about updating your twitter, facebook or myspace
  • when you know the different between twitter and plurk, and whichone is a slut, and which one is a tease
  • when you get annoyed you weren't online when everyone was spamming plurks
  • when you're upset because you have to leave the computer, and you know you'll miss something important and your karma might go down
  • when you threaten people to join plurk just so you can get another referral
  • when you complain about karma
  • when you figure out how to view one plurk as an entire page
  • when you plurk to get advice about what to eat/watch/read/talk about/etc
  • when you try to confuse plurk
  • when you swear off discussing karma, only to begin to complain again a few hours later
  • when you make a facebook group about totally dominating plurk
  • when your friends complain about how much you beg for then to sign up for plurk
  • when you realize one of the "You know you're addicted to plurk when..." statements is directed at you
  • when lurk doesn't mean the same thing to you anymore
  • when you realize that not only one of the "you know youre addicted to plurk when..." statements is directed at you but at least 5 are... and the rest can all be applied to you as well
  • when your reply total is more than 5 times your plurking total
  • when plurk is your new 'it' word
  • when you plurk about wanting e-cheese
  • when you add random strangers just to up your karma
  • when you add lots of random people on plurk, only to find an hour later that you love all of them
  • when you almost have 1000 plurk responses but only 100ish actual plurks
  • when you add all your friend's friends just you up your karma
  • when you keep changing your theme because you aren't satisfied
  • when you update your facebook status, twitter, and myspace status just to say how much you love plurk
  • when deciding on the design of your plurk profile gives you serious anxiety
  • when you update twitter just to tell everyone on twitter how lame twitter is and how plurk is way better
  • when you're feeling plurky
  • when you call twitter a whore
  • when you become annoyed because you can't mute your own plurk
  • when you feel bad because you muted a plurk
  • when you make lists about how you are addicted to plurk

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