neděle 24. srpna 2008

Mezinárodní konflikt

starring: and special hungarian guest

plurk: "Zuzsiq hates když jde bruslit a začne pršet!"

plurk responses:
simike what?????
Zuzsiq hates when she goes skating and it starts to rain...
ivoshek says jé simík :D
simike hi..
Zuzsiq says ivoshi nech ho na pokoji radši :D
ivoshek says já si s ním chci povídat!
ivoshek says hey, whats up today? :)
Zuzsiq says ale jenom slušně, jo? :D
simike is planning some football but the weather is bad here too :S
ivoshek says yeah we have so cold here
simike we have won the water polo olimpic final so everything is gooood xDDD
Hel says von ale nevypada spatne :D
Zuzsiq says Hel... prosimtě... nechte ho v klidu, minule z toho byl celkem špatnej..
Hel says z ceho?
Zuzsiq says z toho jak ho užhorodec nabaloval
ivoshek says i see, hungary is 21st in Overall Medal Standings
Hel says :D
Hel says nechtel ivoshka, jo?
simike english pls!!:D
ivoshek says zuz: cožesem :D
Zuzsiq says simike, its better if you dont know it :D
Zuzsiq says ivoshek: nabaloval :D
Hel says zuz- why? i have said only positive words about him :D
ivoshek says cos zuzsiq is lieing! :D
simike it was a really weak Olympic games for us, 4 yrs ago we won much more gold
Zuzsiq says ivoshek: do you think lying, right? :D
Zuzsiq says so right, we won´t turn past back :D
Hel says were you better than we were? i mean this year
ivoshek says we´re 24st, i share your feelings :D
ivoshek says lieing # lying? :D
simike we are the best:D
ivoshek says hel: we are 24th, hungary 21st and slovakia 25th
Hel says theres a mistake
Hel says we cant be worse than hungary!!
ivoshek says thats fatal error :DD
simike we are much better than you all
ivoshek says si nějak fandí feferón
simike persze könnyű saját nyelven írni...
ivoshek says ehm... thats your opinion :D
Hel says if i were you i would be affraid of us, simike! We are three, youre the only one here!!
simike just look up to the medal standings
Hel says saját :D
Hel says hey what does it mean? :D i mean youre hungarian sentence :D
simike i dont know your czech sentences and you dont know my MAGYAR one
ivoshek thinks you must add up czech and slovakian medals. we´re 1 big nation :D (tahle věta mě bude dlouho mrzet :D)
Hel says ivoshku, preloz mu co znamena feferon :D
simike and i dont fear from you..
ivoshek says feferon - is how we call hungarian :D
Hel says simike - so tell me at least what does the word "saját" mean :) please
Hel says jak je bojovnej :D
simike czechoslovakia, as i know no longer exist, its like Hungary before 1920...
simike saját means own...
ivoshek says im kidding you :D
Hel says thanx :D i have to remember this word, i like it :D
ivoshek says youre my friend, im from Uhersky Brod, and Uhry was Kingdom of Hungary :D
Hel says jak se vtira ne, vterka jeden divoshek :D
ivoshek says (g_rock_n_roll) :D
ivoshek says omg london bus :D
simike a new friend? :D
Hel needs that umbrella :-))
ivoshek wants 2020 Olympic Games in Prague XDDDDD
simike it will be in Budapest :D (in the dreams of the leading political party)
Hel doesnt want those fucking foreigners in our beautiful country!! :D
simike i dont want olympic games in hungary too
ivoshek says hel is xenophobic :D
Hel is not xenophobic. Xenophobic people are affraid of foreigners.Im not affraid of them, i dont like them :D
ivoshek says :DDDD
ivoshek says hej ti číňané sou kokoti :D to my bysme se s tím tak nesrali :D pěkně by každý dostal vlaječku, kafe a valte sportovat :D
ivoshek says ta bubenica tam teď vypadala jak Lejn z Gilmore Girls :D
Hel jak dostal? by si koupil snad, ne? :D
ivoshek says a tak vlaječku bych jim dal ať si nemyslí že jsme socky :DDD
Hel thinks ivoshek je grant :D
ivoshek says bejdžink bejdžink (g_rock_n_roll) to je skoro tak chytlavé jako "kde domov můj" nebo "Isten, áldd meg a magyart" :D
simike ivoshek pls translate it
ivoshek says maďaři sou megavtipní, u nich se hymna menuje "hymnuš" :DDDD
Zuzsiq says fákt?
simike bejdžink bejdžink (g_rock_n_roll) to je skoro tak chytlavé jako "kde domov můj" nebo "Isten, áldd meg a magyart" :D
simike cant understand it
ivoshek says umíš krásně česky <3
Zuzsiq is rofl.
ivoshek says omg to překládat nemíním :D
Zuzsiq says ivoshek should translate ' omg to překládat nemíním :D' XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Hel says bejdzink is nearly so catchy as "kde domov muj"(czech anthem) or "isten...." is...
ivoshek says ...hungarian anthem
Hel says omg to překládat nemíním = oh my god im not going to translate that
Hel says :D
ivoshek says and "bejdžink" is phonetic version of Beijing :D
Hel is so nice to all people!!! you should love me :D
Zuzsiq loves Hel :D
Hel has translated ivoshek's sentences, but isnt able to clear it up :-))
simike asks is it funny to make a joke about someones national anthem?
ivoshek says nó a už tu máme mezinárodní konflikt
Zuzsiq says international conflict.... :D
ivoshek loves his translators :D
simike you are really really witty
pajinka says ještě rozpoutáte 3. světovou xD
Hel says ups
ivoshek says von mě teď nemá rád
Hel says tyjo myslis? :D
simike levagytok xarva
ivoshek says teď mi tu nadává a co já teď :D
pajinka says treba se ti jen omlouva :D
ivoshek says pochybuju
Zuzsiq says vidíš ivoshki, já říkala hned, že se s ním nemáš pouštět do konverzace :DD

[Ivo Brian Leghton Uzhorodian]
Moje karma: 68.79 Plurks: 1207 Plurks responses: 5988

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